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"My name is Rachel Simon, and last summer a new friend of mine asked me if I would like to attend your one-day seminar in Lancaster, PA. I did, and found myself propelled to an entirely new way of viewing people with different ways of being. The lessons of that day continue to have great meaning for me to this day. I mean this literally, as I just finished rereading Demystifying The Autistic Experience, and now my mind is swirling anew with your many invaluable insights. So thank you again for sharing your knowledge with others, and for doing it so well. You are really making the world a better place."
- Rachel Simon, Author of Riding the Bus with My Sister: A True Life Journey (on which the Rosie O'Donnell film is based)
"I've been at Pathway for sixteen years and we've had many speakers--congressmen, sports figures, etc, and I've never seen a standing ovation! You touched many, many individuals. Since your presentation, many people have sought me out to tell me how much they enjoyed your presentation--they have felt challenged to think and to change ways of working with some of our students.Your courage and honesty is apparent in your way of relating to your audience--thank you for doing what is challenging to you to help teach us.
I believe there will be positive changes here at Pathway, as a result of your presentation."
- Michelle Trusty, O.T., The Pathway School
"As a parent of a child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, I had the opportunity to attend Bill's two day Autism Spectrum Training. He taught and provided the participants with an intimate insight of what it is like to have Autism Spectrum Disorder. To accept and respect the individual with ASD. To sometimes "step back" and truly visualize and realize what a person with ASD can contribute
for themselves and others in the community.
"When Bill shared with us that he has Asperger's Syndrome, I truly felt that he gave us a priceless gift of himself, his innate wisdom and knowledge.
"By Bill sharing his personal history with us, he gives us parents and professionals involved with our children hope for their future."
- Ambry Ward, Parent Coordinator of Sharing & Caring of Bucks County Support Group for parents of children with Autism/PDD/Asperger's Syndrome
"In my thirteen years as training coordinator, I have never received such positive feedback after a training program as I have with your presentation on the autism spectrum. This holds true of both the Syracuse and New York City presentations.
Your relaxed manner and knowledge of the subject matter kept the audiences riveted to you...I believe that the program delivered by you can serve as a national model that would be appreciated by any audience involved in the field of rehabilitation."
- Joseph Nye, Training Coordinator, New York Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
"Watching and listening to Bill Stillman speak gave us a better understanding of our son's disability and abilities. Knowing Bill has helped us look beyond autism to find our little boy."
- Scott and Kim Bowser, McKean County (PA) Autism Support
"Bill takes time getting to really know the individuals he works with. He is professional yet caring and gives of himself 100%. The trainings he offers are of the humanistic approach to the autism spectrum."
- Jenn Seybert, Self-Advocate
"Bill Stillman is a breath of fresh air. He is a gift to the students we serve. In my many years in education I have come to learn it is truly a rare combination and a very special person who possess the knowledge, insight, sincerity and compassion to move people. I cherish the insights Bill has provided and respect the wonderful individual he is."
- Patrick Moore, Director of Special Education State College Area School District
"Bill offers not only valuable information pertaining to ASD, he also presents possibilities. He reminds us of the uniqueness of every individual and asks us to focus on their perspective. I gained a better understanding of true support and left feeling inspired as an advocate to educate others. Our children deserve our respect and they EARN it as they embrace each day."
- Martina Franquet, Parent / Perpetual Student of ASD
"My interactions with Bill Stillman have been some of the most rewarding of my career. He is devoted, compassionate and informed. Bill has a strong desire to bring together those who are struggling to help people with challenging behavior to succeed. His interest in preventing, rather then responding to behavior is particularly helpful. Bill offers heart-felt support and useful suggestions to those working and living with individuals with autism and related disorders as he provides insight into what behavior is telling us. I look forward to my next opportunity to work with Bill."
- Dr. Jessica W. Rivers, Autism Consultant, M.A. Special Education, Ph.D. Child and Family Development
"Bill has given us precious insights into our son's world and has helped us discover an appreciation of the way our son views our world.'"
- Tim and Alison, Parents
"I am the parent of a child with autism and the co-chair of an Asperger's Syndrome support group. I first heard Bill speak about a year ago. I cannot express how meaningful and helpful Bill's presentation was for me as a parent of a child with autism. Bill's insight and caring are unique. I can say that I have never attended a presentation that touched me as deeply as Demystifying Autism. Our group ultimately decided to sponsor Bill as a speaker. That seminar was a huge success and was very well received. All of the comments we received were full of praise for Bill and everyone wanted to have him speak again.
"On a personal note, I was lucky enough to have my son's school district agree to retain Bill as a consultant regarding my son. Bill's input was instrumental in educating my son's teachers regarding ASD and in developing a program for my son that stresses self advocacy and independence. I am sure that your agency will find Bill's input to be vital and useful to anyone who hears him speak. As an advocate for children with autism, I think that everyone who loves or works with someone with autism should hear Bill speak."
- Angela Murphy, Nazareth, PA
"My organization, ASCEND Group, had Bill speak just last month for a day-long Demystifying Asperger Syndrome workshop.
Bill was a wonderful speaker who really connected with the audience. The audience was a mix of parents, educators and other professionals. Bill's knowledge of his subject matter is vast and he challenges his audience to rethink the conventional ways that we view these unique individuals. We had many, many positive comments from attendees after the conference. And our speaker evaluation forms universally praised the workshop. He received very high marks in all categories."
- Deirdre Wright, President ASCEND Group, Ardmore, PA
"I have worked with Bill in several situations: 1) We have served on a committee together when he was with the PA Department of Public Welfare, 2) I have had the pleasure of consulting with him on a very troublesome case in our county, and 3) I have heard him speak twice which then sent me on a mission to bring him into our county as a speaker. This is a man who can really make you FEEL what needs to be done to help those with autism. I have seen parents and professionals alike end his workshops with a renewed sense of hope. I have heard parents' testimony during two day workshops of how they went home after Day One and tried some of the things Bill suggested, come in on Day Two and express what happened the night before. Parents and professionals have been in tears when listening to these testimonies. Parents realize the basic things they did not understand about their children until listening to Bill. Parents and professionals alike were so excited to be offered practical suggestions that they found really worked. Bill can make professionals begin to realize what it is like to have autistic experiences through some of the techniques he uses during his training. Every time I hear Bill speak I feel renewed and hopeful again---not just in working with those with autistic experiences but also in working with those with mental health problems in general. He reminds us all of one of our most basic needs: respect. Please enlighten those in your community by exposing them to this dynamic person!"
- Dee Welker, Lawrence County (PA) Child and Adolescent Service System Program Coordinator (CASSP)